Summary: Twilight of Suramar

August 25, 2016

For ten thousand years, the city of Suramar has lived in refuge, belonging to the race known as the shal’dorei, or nightborne, a race that was former night elves forged and twisted by the Nightwell. They have lived on without care of the outside races, and without the knowledge of their kind living within the walls of a great shield of arcane magic. Until now.

Obvious spoilers for Twilight of Suramar to follow.

Summary: Twilight of Suramar

Gul’dan has “graced” himself upon the city of Suramar, a former great city of the kaldorei before most of it had fallen into the great sea due to the events of the Sundering. He has carried a message with him to the Nightfallen. A simple choice, really.

Life, or death.


Gul’dan comes before the Grand Magistrix and her council, speaking of an offer. An offer to let down the shields and let the Burning Legion into Suramar willingly, otherwise it would be the end of the Nightborne. If they allow the demons through Gul’dan will allow the Shal’dorei to live within the comfort of their city and continue their lives, at the price of the Nightwell. Gul’dan seeks to use the power for the demons.


Not everyone trusts Gul’dan’s words. Groups of Nightfallen gather to attempt to prevent from the magisters dropping the shields of Suramar. Surely they cannot be trusted whatsoever, being demons. Many remember the War of the Ancients and remember what chaos came with the Legion that came through the gates. Rebels gather to stop the Magistrix, but sadly fail. One falls, injured, to the land where the Nightfallen lay. Former Shal’dorei that have gone too far long without the magics belonging to the Nightwell.


Gul’dan and the demons enter the city of Suramar, keeping his word of keeping their titles, luxuries and cities, but telling the Magistrix that they will take what they want.

The Legion has taken the city of Suramar, and the Magistrix may not be one to betrusted. But what of the fallen Nightborne? Thalyssra, we may see her in the future. She has not quite been erased off by the Magistrix and the Burning Legion yet…

And that concludes our summary of Twilight of Suramar! We’re working on other Legion comic summaries so stay tuned. We’ll also be talking about them on the show. As for the fate of Suramar, Burning Legion is always recruiting and in the present day, it continues to wage is terror campaign across Azeroth. What or who will spell the Legion’s end? What other kingdoms will fall? Guess we’ll find out in Legion’s upcoming launch August 30!

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