Why Was There A Melon Stabbed On Twitter? (We’re On iTunes!)

August 14, 2016

If you follow us on Twitter or been to our Twitter page recently, you were regaled with images of a melon skewered an entire kitchen knife set. This indeed did happen! The reasons will make even less sense. But it’s related to us getting on iTunes.

Shortly after being approved to the iTunes store, a few bugs resulted in some episodes not playing all the way. We were told by fellow podcasters that in the midst of technical difficulties, you must sacrifice a fruit (specifically, an avocado) and all will be well again. I took their advice but lacked an avocado, so I improvised. This was the result:

Worried that the lack of avocado meant I’d awaken some sort of Eldritch god, I thought maybe more knives could appease the podcast powers that be.

But really, truly: How much does “more knives” really mean?

After all, we had all of these steak knives. Surely they qualified to participate in this fructose sacrifice…

And knives weren’t the only sharp things in the kitchen…

And to finish off this fruit fiasco, a spoon for dessert.

Throughout the sacrifice, the kitchen was filled with the sweet, summery smell of fresh watermelon. Inspired by the scenty infusion, I returned to the computer and delved to the root of the problem with iTunes. Thirty minutes later and we had a fix. Perhaps this ritual worked! Or I massacred a watermelon for fun. Either way, really can’t lose.

As for the silliness going on in the background, my incredible spouse was involved. Kudos if you recognize those board games! And yes, the end result is we are now up and running on iTunes. Subscribe and download our show there:

See Us On iTunes

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